A laptop with a video call going on.


Check out our upcoming events, including workshops, trainings, and conferences.

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Central Regional Meeting

Central Regional Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, February 25 from 3:30pm - 5:30pm for our Central Regional Meeting!

Due to the weather, this will be over Zoom ONLY.

Please use the following Zoom link or information to join the meeting at the specified date and time.

Zoom Link:


Meeting ID: 889 534 3142

One tap mobile +16465189805,,8895343142#

Please RSVP by contacting Sue Moriarty by emailing sue@wearemass.org or calling (508) 209-7184.

View Event →
Rainbow Group Meeting

Rainbow Group Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, February 25th from 5:30pm-7:00pm for our Rainbow Group Meeting! Please use the following Zoom link or information to join the meeting at the specified date and time.

This group is on Zoom and is open to people from any region in MA and other states.

The last Tuesday of each month at 5:30-7:00pm is to learn and talk about LGBTQ+ topics.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84122253807

Phone: +1 646 876 9923

Meeting ID: 841 2225 3807

View Event →
Statewide Self-Advocate Drop-In

Statewide Self-Advocate Drop-In

Join us Wednesday, February 26th from 4:30pm - 6pm for our Statewide Drop-In woohoo!🥳

These Drop-In meetings are a great way to meet other self-advocates statewide in a more relaxed way. Our Drop-In meetings bring together all the MASS regions to get informed, chat about different stuff, and have lots of fun!

We always welcome new members!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Our email is: info@wearemass.org or our number is 857-360-0134. Thank you!

Here is the Zoom Information: 

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 820 1213 5896

One tap mobile

Join by phone: +1 646 518 9805

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Breaking Barriers: Navigating Health Inequities at the Intersection of Black Identity and Disability

Breaking Barriers: Navigating Health Inequities at the Intersection of Black Identity and Disability

The Health and Disability Program, in collaboration with the Division of Community Engagement, presents:

Breaking Barriers: Navigating Health Inequities at the Intersection of Black Identity and Disability

Tuesday, Feb. 27th

12 - 1:30pm

Click here to register for Zoom webinar!

Questions and concerns?

Email: DPH-HDP@mass.gov

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The 47th Annual Legislative Reception: “Safeguarding Our Rights Through Advocacy“

The 47th Annual Legislative Reception: “Safeguarding Our Rights Through Advocacy“

We are excited to announce this year's Legislator of the Year Awardees: Senator Robyn K. Kennedy and Representative Sean Garballey who are tireless advocates for people with disabilities.

We anticipate several hundred people with disabilities, family members, and staff in the field will attend, as well as numerous elected and appointed officials. You will need to go through security, so please plan your schedule accordingly.

American Sign Language (ASL) has been requested, and CART will be provided.

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM.

Registration required


Accommodations must be requested by Saturday, Feb 22.

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Northeast Regional Meeting

Northeast Regional Meeting

Join us on Wednesday, Febuary 19 from 4:00pm-5:30pm for our Northeast Regional Meeting over ZOOM! Register on Eventbrite today!

Register on Eventbrite

If you plan to join us please follow this link to register:


This will help us get a good understanding of how many people plan to join us!

Northeast regional meetings are a great place to go if you like talking about all the different aspects of self advocacy, and having fun while doing so! We always welcome new members, or even those who are new to learning about self advocacy! You are welcome here!

Join Meeting

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 827 7427 7162
One tap mobile

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Metro Regional Meeting

Metro Regional Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, February 18 from 4:30pm - 6:00pm for our Metro Regional Meeting!

Register on Eventbrite

Join us the third Tuesday of month for Metro regional meetings. Metro regional meetings are a great place to go if you like talking about all the different aspects of self advocacy, and having fun while doing so! We always welcome new members, or even those who are new to learning about self advocacy! You are welcome here!
If you have any questions please feel welcome to contact our regional coordinator, Jenna DeSpirito. Their email is: jenna.despirito@wearemass.org and their number is 339-832-2922. Thank you!

Please use the Zoom link you receive after completing the Metro Regional Meeting Eventbrite registration.

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Statewide Self-Advocate Drop-In (Copy)

Statewide Self-Advocate Drop-In (Copy)

Join us Thursday, February 13th from 5:30pm - 7pm for our Statewide Drop-In woohoo!🥳

These Drop-In meetings are a great way to meet other self-advocates statewide in a more relaxed way. Our Drop-In meetings bring together all the MASS regions to get informed, chat about different stuff, and have lots of fun!

We always welcome new members!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Our email is: info@wearemass.org or our number is 857-360-0134. Thank you!

Here is the Zoom Information: 

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 820 1213 5896

One tap mobile

Join by phone: +1 646 518 9805

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Central Regional Meeting

Central Regional Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, February 11 from 5:00pm - 7:00pm for our Central Regional Meeting!

Due to the weather, this will be over Zoom ONLY.

Please use the following Zoom link or information to join the meeting at the specified date and time.

Zoom Link:


Meeting ID: 889 534 3142

One tap mobile +16465189805,,8895343142#

Please RSVP by contacting Sue Moriarty by emailing sue@wearemass.org or calling (508) 209-7184.

View Event →
SDM Task Force Meeting (Friday)

SDM Task Force Meeting (Friday)

Hello!  This is a reminder for the next MASS SDM Task Force meeting from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM on Friday, January 31st. The SDM Task Force will be meeting on the new Friday evening time.

Zoom link:


Meeting ID: 886 0736 3196

One tap mobile

Dial by your location
        +1 646 518 9805

Meeting ID: 886 0736 3196

Join MASS’s Supported Decision-Making Task Force!

MASSACHUSETTS ADVOCATES STANDING STRONG (MASS) is a statewide self-advocacy organization. In 2017, MASS formed a special group of self-advocates called a “task force” to work on supported decision-making, or “SDM,” for short.

SUPPORTED DECISION-MAKING (SDM) is an important tool that self-advocates can use to make their own life choices and get help from others they trust. All persons with disabilities have a right to make their own decisions and get support if they want.

THE TASK FORCE has educated self-advocates across the state on SDM, developed SDM tools for self-advocates, helped self-advocates to use SDM in their lives, researched self-advocates’ views about SDM, and advocated for new SDM laws and policies.

GET INVOLVED in the MASS SDM Task Force, by becoming a member. If you choose to join the task force, you can:

- LEARN about SDM

- TRAIN others about SDM

- HELP others make their own SDM agreements

- ADVOCATE for laws and policies on SDM

View Event →
Rainbow Group Meeting

Rainbow Group Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, January 28th from 5:30pm-7:00pm for our Rainbow Group Meeting! Please use the following Zoom link or information to join the meeting at the specified date and time.

This group is on Zoom and is open to people from any region in MA and other states.

The last Tuesday of each month at 5:30-7:00pm is to learn and talk about LGBTQ+ topics.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84122253807

Phone: +1 646 876 9923

Meeting ID: 841 2225 3807

View Event →
Central Regional Meeting

Central Regional Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, January 28 from 3:30pm - 5:30pm for our Central Regional Meeting!

Due to the weather, this will be over Zoom ONLY.

Please use the following Zoom link or information to join the meeting at the specified date and time.

Zoom Link:


Meeting ID: 889 534 3142

One tap mobile +16465189805,,8895343142#

Please RSVP by contacting Sue Moriarty by emailing sue@wearemass.org or calling (508) 209-7184.

View Event →
Health and Disability Program Partnership Meeting with Department of Public Health (DPH)

Health and Disability Program Partnership Meeting with Department of Public Health (DPH)

The MA Health and Disability Partnership on Thursday, January 23rd from 1:00pm - 2:00pm, is a group of people with disabilities and other people who care about the health of people with disabilities. It helps advise the state Health and Disability Program and other programs in the Department of Public Health. It also helps people with disabilities stay up to date on important health issues.

Thursday, January 23rd from 1:00pm - 2:00pm Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Topic: MA Health and Disability Partnership Meeting
Time: January 23, 2024 1:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

DCE@mass.gov is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Health and Disability Partnership Meeting

Time: Jan 23, 2025 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 957 7136 5262


One tap mobile

+16469313860,,95771365262# US

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Statewide Self-Advocate Drop-In

Statewide Self-Advocate Drop-In

Join us Wednesday, January 22nd from 5:30pm - 7pm for our Statewide Drop-In woohoo!🥳

These Drop-In meetings are a great way to meet other self-advocates statewide in a more relaxed way. Our Drop-In meetings bring together all the MASS regions to get informed, chat about different stuff, and have lots of fun!

We always welcome new members!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Our email is: info@wearemass.org or our number is 857-360-0134. Thank you!

Here is the Zoom Information: 

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 820 1213 5896

One tap mobile

Join by phone: +1 646 518 9805

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Metro Regional Meeting

Metro Regional Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, January 21 from 4:30pm - 6:00pm for our Metro Regional Meeting!

Register on Eventbrite

Join us the third Tuesday of month for Metro regional meetings. Metro regional meetings are a great place to go if you like talking about all the different aspects of self advocacy, and having fun while doing so! We always welcome new members, or even those who are new to learning about self advocacy! You are welcome here!
If you have any questions please feel welcome to contact our regional coordinator, Jenna DeSpirito. Their email is: jenna.despirito@wearemass.org and their number is 339-832-2922. Thank you!

Please use the Zoom link you receive after completing the Metro Regional Meeting Eventbrite registration.

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Northeast Regional Meeting

Northeast Regional Meeting

Join us on Wednesday, January 15 from 4:00pm-5:30pm for our Northeast Regional Meeting over ZOOM! Register on Eventbrite today!

Register on Eventbrite

If you plan to join us please follow this link to register:


This will help us get a good understanding of how many people plan to join us!

Northeast regional meetings are a great place to go if you like talking about all the different aspects of self advocacy, and having fun while doing so! We always welcome new members, or even those who are new to learning about self advocacy! You are welcome here!

Join Meeting

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 827 7427 7162
One tap mobile

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Central Regional Meeting

Central Regional Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, January 14 from 3:30pm - 5:30pm for our Central Regional Meeting!

Due to the weather, this will be over Zoom ONLY.

Please use the following Zoom link or information to join the meeting at the specified date and time.

Zoom Link:


Meeting ID: 889 534 3142

One tap mobile +16465189805,,8895343142#

Please RSVP by contacting Sue Moriarty by emailing sue@wearemass.org or calling (508) 209-7184.

View Event →
Statewide Self-Advocate Drop-In

Statewide Self-Advocate Drop-In

Join us Thursday, January 9th from 5:30pm - 7pm for our Statewide Drop-In woohoo!🥳

These Drop-In meetings are a great way to meet other self-advocates statewide in a more relaxed way. Our Drop-In meetings bring together all the MASS regions to get informed, chat about different stuff, and have lots of fun!

We always welcome new members!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Our email is: info@wearemass.org or our number is 857-360-0134. Thank you!

Here is the Zoom Information: 

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 820 1213 5896

One tap mobile

Join by phone: +1 646 518 9805

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Northeast Regional Meeting

Northeast Regional Meeting

Join us on Wednesday, December 18 from 4:00pm-5:30pm for our Northeast Regional Meeting over ZOOM! Register on Eventbrite today!

If you plan to join us please follow this link to register:


This will help us get a good understanding of how many people plan to join us!

Northeast regional meetings are a great place to go if you like talking about all the different aspects of self advocacy, and having fun while doing so! We always welcome new members, or even those who are new to learning about self advocacy! You are welcome here! It was so much fun at our last regional meeting, and we had a great discussion with the Regional Human Rights Director for DDS, Alexandra Selman.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 827 7427 7162
One tap mobile

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Metro Regional Meeting

Metro Regional Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, December 17 from 4:30pm - 6:00pm for our Metro Regional Meeting!

Join us the third Tuesday of month for Metro regional meetings. Metro regional meetings are a great place to go if you like talking about all the different aspects of self advocacy, and having fun while doing so! We always welcome new members, or even those who are new to learning about self advocacy! You are welcome here!
If you have any questions please feel welcome to contact our regional coordinator, Jenna DeSpirito. Their email is: jenna.despirito@wearemass.org and their number is 339-832-2922. Thank you!

Please use the Zoom link you receive after completing the Metro Regional Meeting Eventbrite registration.

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SDM Task Force Meeting (Friday)

SDM Task Force Meeting (Friday)

Hello!  This is a reminder for the next MASS SDM Task Force meeting from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM on Friday, December 13th. The SDM Task Force will be meeting on the new Friday evening time.

Zoom link:


Meeting ID: 886 0736 3196

One tap mobile

Dial by your location
        +1 646 518 9805

Meeting ID: 886 0736 3196

Join MASS’s Supported Decision-Making Task Force!

MASSACHUSETTS ADVOCATES STANDING STRONG (MASS) is a statewide self-advocacy organization. In 2017, MASS formed a special group of self-advocates called a “task force” to work on supported decision-making, or “SDM,” for short.

SUPPORTED DECISION-MAKING (SDM) is an important tool that self-advocates can use to make their own life choices and get help from others they trust. All persons with disabilities have a right to make their own decisions and get support if they want.

THE TASK FORCE has educated self-advocates across the state on SDM, developed SDM tools for self-advocates, helped self-advocates to use SDM in their lives, researched self-advocates’ views about SDM, and advocated for new SDM laws and policies.

GET INVOLVED in the MASS SDM Task Force, by becoming a member. If you choose to join the task force, you can:

- LEARN about SDM

- TRAIN others about SDM

- HELP others make their own SDM agreements

- ADVOCATE for laws and policies on SDM

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Statewide Self-Advocate Drop-In

Statewide Self-Advocate Drop-In

Join us Thursday, December 12th from 5:30pm - 7pm for our Statewide Drop-In woohoo!🥳

These Drop-In meetings are a great way to meet other self-advocates statewide in a more relaxed way. Our Drop-In meetings bring together all the MASS regions to get informed, chat about different stuff, and have lots of fun!

We always welcome new members!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Our email is: info@wearemass.org or our number is 857-360-0134. Thank you!

Here is the Zoom Information: 

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 820 1213 5896

One tap mobile

Join by phone: +1 646 518 9805

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Central Regional Meeting

Central Regional Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, December 10th from 5pm - 7pm for our Central Regional Meeting! Please use the following Zoom link or information to join the meeting at the specified date and time.

Zoom Link:


Meeting ID: 889 534 3142

One tap mobile +16465189805,,8895343142#

Please RSVP by contacting Sue Moriarty by emailing sue@wearemass.org or calling (508) 209-7184.

View Event →
Rainbow Group Meeting

Rainbow Group Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, November 26th from 5:30pm-7:00pm for our Rainbow Group Meeting! Please use the following Zoom link or information to join the meeting at the specified date and time.

This group is on Zoom and is open to people from any region in MA and other states.

The last Tuesday of each month at 5:30-7:00pm is to learn and talk about LGBTQ+ topics.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84122253807

Phone: +1 646 876 9923

Meeting ID: 841 2225 3807

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Central Regional Meeting

Central Regional Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, November 26 from 3:30pm - 5:30pm for our Central Regional Meeting! Please use the following Zoom link or information to join the meeting at the specified date and time.

Zoom Link:


Meeting ID: 889 534 3142

One tap mobile +16465189805,,8895343142#

Please RSVP by contacting Sue Moriarty by emailing sue@wearemass.org or calling (508) 209-7184.

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Rainbow Celebration - Apex Entertainment

Rainbow Celebration - Apex Entertainment

Come celebrate 20 years of the Rainbow Group at Apex Entertainment in Marlborough, MA!

$20 per person for one round of laser tag, bumper cars, mini golf, and one 30 minute non-redemption arcade card

$5 of each $20 ticket purchased will be donated back to Rainbow

Where: 21 Apex Dr, Marlborough, MA 01752

When: Thursday November 21 from 2pm - 6pm

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Northeast Regional Meeting

Northeast Regional Meeting

Join us on Wednesday, November 20 from 4:00pm-5:30pm for our Northeast Regional Meeting over ZOOM! Register on Eventbrite today!

If you plan to join us please follow this link to register:


This will help us get a good understanding of how many people plan to join us!

Northeast regional meetings are a great place to go if you like talking about all the different aspects of self advocacy, and having fun while doing so! We always welcome new members, or even those who are new to learning about self advocacy! You are welcome here! It was so much fun at our last regional meeting, and we had a great discussion with the Regional Human Rights Director for DDS, Alexandra Selman.

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 827 7427 7162
One tap mobile

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Metro Regional Meeting

Metro Regional Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, November 19th from 6:00pm-7:30pm for our Metro Regional Meeting!

Join us the third Tuesday of month for Metro regional meetings. Metro regional meetings are a great place to go if you like talking about all the different aspects of self advocacy, and having fun while doing so! We always welcome new members, or even those who are new to learning about self advocacy! You are welcome here!
If you have any questions please feel welcome to contact our regional coordinator, Jenna DeSpirito. Their email is: jenna.despirito@wearemass.org and their number is 339-832-2922. Thank you!

Please use the Zoom link you receive after completing the Metro Regional Meeting Eventbrite registration.

View Event →
Statewide Self-Advocate Drop-In

Statewide Self-Advocate Drop-In

Join us Thursday, November 14th from 5:30pm - 7pm for our Statewide Drop-In woohoo!🥳

These Drop-In meetings are a great way to meet other self-advocates statewide in a more relaxed way. Our Drop-In meetings bring together all the MASS regions to get informed, chat about different stuff, and have lots of fun!

We always welcome new members!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Our email is: info@wearemass.org or our number is 857-360-0134. Thank you!

Here is the Zoom Information: 

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 820 1213 5896

One tap mobile

Join by phone: +1 646 518 9805

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Central Regional Meeting

Central Regional Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, November 12th from 5pm - 7pm for our Central Regional Meeting! Please use the following Zoom link or information to join the meeting at the specified date and time.

Zoom Link:


Meeting ID: 889 534 3142

One tap mobile +16465189805,,8895343142#

Please RSVP by contacting Sue Moriarty by emailing sue@wearemass.org or calling (508) 209-7184.

View Event →
Rainbow Group Meeting

Rainbow Group Meeting

Join us on Tuesday, October 29th from 5:30pm-7:00pm for our Rainbow Group Meeting! Please use the following Zoom link or information to join the meeting at the specified date and time.

This group is on Zoom and is open to people from any region in MA and other states.

The last Tuesday of each month at 5:30-7:00pm is to learn and talk about LGBTQ+ topics.

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84122253807

Phone: +1 646 876 9923

Meeting ID: 841 2225 3807

View Event →


Contact us to learn more about our mission and work, or to become involved yourself!