In The News
Learn more about MASS and our self-advocates in these news articles.
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On Saturday, August 24th, MASS self advocates and staff joined the Winthrop Commission on Disability for a day of outdoor fun on Deer Island. Led by Accessible Adventures, the day was full of sun and memorable experiences!
MASS Board member Kim Plaut wrote the following paper promoting Supported Decision Making (SDM) as a preferred alternative to guardianship. “I am only one of many individuals with a disability, and I have observed and talked to many people. It is important to know that a lot of individuals with disabilities can make their own decisions if you just give them all enough time and sufficient support…”
MASS Board Member Kim Plaut was recently featured in an article by Katie Lannan for 22 News about the Supported Decision Making bill currently making its way through the Massachusetts State House.
Lannan writes:
“BOSTON (SHNS) – Pitching a legislative committee on a bill that would provide a framework for individuals with disabilities and elders to make their own decisions with the aid of people they trust, advocates described the planned arrangement as a process not that different from the way lawmakers would work together to consider their bill.
On November 22, 2021 self-advocates Kim Plaut and Anne Fracht testified virtually at the Massachusetts State House in regards to bill H.272 An Act Relative to Supported Decision Making sponsored by Rep. Paul F. Tucker.
MASS submitted various letters concerning the crisis standards of care and other concerns related to COVID-19. Here is a letter to Dan Tsai, Assistant Secretary of Mass Health about COVID-19 and Massachusetts residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities in congregate settings.
MASS submitted various letters concerning the crisis standards of care and other concerns related to COVID-19. Here is a letter to the DPH about hospital visitation policies for persons with disabilities.
Kamisha Heriveaux is a self-advocate liaison and editor of The Mass Flash. She is also a wheelchair-bound 26-year-old and was born with Cerebral Palsy.
“I do feel like there are moments I do feel alone, I have my moments” said Heriveaux. “I do everything you can do, I just do it differently and with a wheelchair."
During this pandemic, social distancing has been especially difficult. She was accustomed to her routine.
Heriveaux is earning her GED and wants to go to school for photography.
Passion, Purpose and Power: Changemaking through Awareness and Action
Awareness & Action, a program of Mass Advocates Standing Strong and the first of its kind in Massachusetts, is a three-hour, interactive training by people with disabilities for people with disabilities on recognizing and responding to abuses committed against adults with disabilities. It addresses five types of abuse: physical, sexual, neglect, verbal and financial - through five powerful video vignettes. Meet John Mullaly and Pauline Bosma, two of A&A’s most experienced self-advocate trainers.
“In honor of Developmental Disabilities Month, representatives of the Patrick administration, members of the Legislature and advocates gathered today at the State House to celebrate the upcoming name change of the Department of Mental Retardation (DMR) to the Department of Developmental Services (DDS), which will take effect on June 30…”
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