MASS delivers trainings on a variety of topics throughout Massachusetts. We have training teams across the state, with three to four self-advocates per team.
Like the rest of our organization, MASS Trainings are rooted in the rule of “nothing about us without us”. Over 95% of our trainers have intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.
Request a Training, Panel, or Speaker
Request your MASS Training, Panel, or Self-advocate Speaker. Fill out the form, scroll down, and click the blue ‘Submit’ button at the end.
With the exception of Rainbow, we cannot offer any Training, Panel, or Speaker Events outside of the state of Massachusetts.
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What We Offer
Awareness & Action Training (A&A)
Awareness and Action (A&A) is a three-hour interactive training to educate persons with a disability and others on recognizing, reporting and responding to abuses committed against adults with a disability.
Self-Advocacy Leadership Series - Groups
Established groups such as day programs and classrooms complete the course together, with support from staff members over 8 weeks.
Group (such as class or day program)
Strengthen relationships with peers
In-person or virtual
Led by MASS trainers with support from your staff
Content identical iSALS
Independent Self-Advocacy Leadership Series - iSALS
iSALS - individuals join peers independently in a virtual group setting to complete the course over 8 weeks. You can join with your own supporters.
Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism
Meet peers
i-SALS is only virtual, but SALS for groups is available in-person
Led by MASS Coordinators, Peer Trainers and Facilitators
Content identical to SALS available for individuals to sign up independently
Service Coordinators Institute (SCI)
We deliver trainings to new DDS Service Coordinators. Our self-advocates teach the Service Coordinators how to empower their clients and provide great support.
Rainbow (LGBTQ+ and/or sexuality education) Training
Rainbow coordinator Pauline Bosma and other members of the Rainbow groups are available to provide training to self-advocates, disability professionals, and/or families about gender, sexuality, and intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our training is always led by LGBTQ+ self-advocates.
Contact Us
Get in touch to learn more about our trainings and how MASS can help you today.
About Our Trainers
95% of MASS trainers are self-advocates.