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Your Ideas Count! 22nd Annual MASS Self-Advocacy Conference

Tuesday, February 16

Every workshop, EXCEPT for Teach Disability History, can be accessed through the same Zoom Webinar link starting at 11 AM.

10:00 AM-11:00 AM


Presented by Desi Forte, Austin Carr, Patrick Remy, Adam Tasha, Dominic Mondon-Poirier

If you registered for Teach Disability History you will receive the meeting link in an email the day before and another reminder email 1 hour before the start time.

Zoom Webinar Link:

Phone: US +1 646 518 9805

Webinar ID: 861 5956 0110

11:00 AM-12:00 PM

Creating a Meaningful Life Through Self-Direction

Presented by Beverly McGovern, Pamela Hickey, Jacob Courville, Jen Courville, Dania Rojas, and Ellen Kelleher

12:00 PM-1:00 PM

Lunch on Your Own

1:00 PM-2:00 PM

Strong Together: National Peer Support Network

Presented by Patty Quatieri, Kecia Weller, and James Meadours

2:00 PM-3:00 PM

Accessible Martial Arts

Presented by Patrick Remy, James Thibeault, and Patricia Bickford

February 13

Your Ideas Count! 22nd Annual MASS Self-Advocacy Conference

February 18

Your Ideas Count! 22nd Annual MASS Self-Advocacy Conference