May 2020
Central Highlights for May Massflash
April had its ups and downs for Central Region.
We lost our beloved Central Workteam President and friend, Janet Laperle.
She was a patient and confident leader and she treated each one of us as special.
Central had our first zoom meeting in April. We enjoyed getting together! We saw a couple of new faces and some that we hadn’t seen in a while. We all checked in on how we are doing, and John Mullaly did some breathing and yoga movement with us. We went through the MASS Flash and showed videos and songs online. It was fun! We talked about our rights with medical issues. John Mullaly wrote a letter to Governor Baker about that. Also, some people cannot reach their DDS Service Coordinators. Teka said she would make sure everyone had the DDS phone number they needed. We look forward to our zoom meeting calls, and Jackie Dulmaine, Seth and the group will be joining a class at Quinsigamond College for a training on self-advocacy. We also plan on having our guest speaker, State Rep Natalie Higgins speak with us soon! Deb Pierce and Seth Gaston attended transportation meetings in April, and Deb joined the REDD Group meeting too. Justin is keeping up to date on legislative issues. Our grant projects are humming along. We are thankful for our Central board members Jillian and Karen. Thank you to our many Central Region leaders!