The MASS Blog
April 2020
Rainbow Corner
Hi from Pauline!
I hope everyone is doing well. I know it has been tough for some people. I want you all to know that I am available for support. I will be “live” on Facebook Monday’s at 11:00am & Friday evenings at 6:00pm Come Join me!
Please check our Rainbow Support Group Facebook page for updates and information.
Looking forward to hearing about other Rainbow Support Groups activities around Massachusetts.
Stay healthy…and remember its ok not to be ok!
Pauline Bosma
(508) 944-5797
**Looking for groups, members and others to write updates and articles of interest in the Rainbow Corner each month. Please contact Pauline or (508) 944-5797
March 2020
The Central Region had a good month in February. We met with our REDD Group and we continue to work on transportation, thanks to Debbie Pierce, our transportation rep.
At our regional work team meeting in February we had a powerpoint presentation by Tess, a mobility specialist with the WRTA. We had a great discussion about safe travel and taking public transportation. JustinBernard also presented about voting. It was a great meeting!
On Feb 10th Janet spoke about self-advocacy at a Human Services class at Quinsigamond Community College. Great job Janet!
Our OVW Mass Rights for Change grant project team has met a lot during the month. We are working on plans to improve access to needed services for survivors of sexual assault. Our Central Awareness and Action team has hired a new trainer, Melissa Beauregard, and she attended her first training this month. Welcome Melissa! And…just in time….we have a busy month of training ahead!
The HMEA Hopedale Day Program (where we hold many grant project meetings)has moved to a beautiful new building in Franklin. An open house was held on Feb 26th.
So what is ahead for Central? We can’t wait for spring!! We look forward to having a meet and greet in March to welcome new members including self-advocates from the THRIVE self-advocacy group and others we have met. We also look forward to hosting tables at regional transition fairs and our legislative breakfast, attending events like “Light It Up Blue” and our regional self-direction support group, REDD Group and transportation meetings in March. We are also excited to connect with Building Bridges self-advocacy group on April 1st!
Spring is just around the corner……Happy Spring everyone!
March 2020
Save the Date!!!! Southeast Region Meeting
March 12, 2020 6pm - 7:30pm Lakeville Library Lakeville MA
Many self advocates from the southeast attended the Annual Arc Mass/MDDC Legislative Reception, thank you Arc Mass sharing pictures of our friends from the southeast.
2020 Youth Leadership Forum Information and Application Materials to Share:
Partners for Youth with Disabilities is proud to host the 2020 Massachusetts Youth Leadership Forum! The Youth Leadership Forum (YLF) is an overnight conference for youth and young adults with disabilities held annually in Massachusetts and other states across the country. YLF participants build leadership skills and leave better prepared for future employment, higher education, and independent living. This year's YLF will take place from June 23rd-June 25th, 2020 at Bridgewater State University. Below are links to the 2020 YLF information and flyer as well as the 2020 YLF Application which can be completed online.
Link to Online YLF 2020 Application:
Link to YLF 2020 Flyer:
The YLF 2020 recommendation form can be found at this link:
March 2020
Save the Date!!!! Metro Region Meeting
March 19, 2020 6pm-7:30pm 85 Main St Watertown MA 2nd floor Beaverbrook STEP offices.
Many self advocates from the Metro Region attended the Annual Arc Mass/MDDC Legislative Reception, thank you Arc Mass sharing pictures of leaders in the Metro Region.
A big shout out to Kim Plaut, MASS Board Member and Janice Smith of Minute Man Arc for attending every year.
2020 Youth Leadership Forum Information and Application Materials to Share:
Partners for Youth with Disabilities is proud to host the 2020 Massachusetts Youth Leadership Forum! The Youth Leadership Forum (YLF) is an overnight conference for youth and young adults with disabilities held annually in Massachusetts and other states across the country. YLF participants build leadership skills and leave better prepared for future employment, higher education, and independent living. This year's YLF will take place from June 23rd-June 25th, 2020 at Bridgewater State University. Below are links to the 2020 YLF information and flyer as well as the 2020 YLF Application which can be completed online.
Link to Online YLF 2020 Application:
Link to YLF 2020 Flyer:
The YLF 2020 recommendation form can be found at this link:
March 2020
This month we welcomed a couple of new members to our regional group. All are welcome to check out our meeting. The next one is March 25th from 6-8PM at 261 N Main St Middleton. Please note, this is one week later than usual. Thank you to Therese LaPorte, Sandra Jones and Anne Fracht for attending the February 6th meeting of MA21 at Arcmass in Waltham. The group focused on self-direction and looked at a new guide for planning your budget. Donna Jay presented to the NE Arc Self-Advocacy group in Danvers about the Marriage Penalty and how to advocate for change on this issue. Therese LaPorte shared her experiences and the importance of self-advocacy at a Transition Forum at Lesley University on a panel of self-advocates. It was a great discussion with students, teachers and self-advocates about increasing disability pride, understanding and self-determination. Presenter, Stel Gragoudas said, “Being self-determined doesn’t mean doing every task independently. I am self-determined and I need help to get dressed each day.” In other news, we are overjoyed to know that the FDA finally banned the use of electric-shock therapy! Thank you to our Regional Chairperson, Derek, for making this issue a priority in our region.
GATOR (Guardianship and the transfer of rights) news: Kamisha, Derek and Cynthia are working hard searching for information for students about Transfer of Rights. MASS Researchers learned about how to do a literature search with Cady Landa of ICI on February 7th along with Marie D’Aoust, Gail Delgado and Bridget Crowley. Kamisha also joined the first advisory board meeting for this project with transition experts from around the country. The full GATOR Team meets by video conference every other week.
The MA SDM Task Force met on February 8th and reviewed SDM Agreement forms from different States. Kim Plaut and Austin Carr prepared three interviews and recorded them with the help of the Institute for Community Inclusion on February 21st. Our task force hopes to turn these videos into webinars to help more self-advocates learn about supported decision making as an important alternative to guardianship! MA SDM Task Force members took part in meetings about the Supported Decision Making Bill, which is moving along. Members attending the Arcmass/MDDC Legislative reception advocated for support on this bill. The task force meets again at Harvard on March 14th from 11:30-3PM.
February 2020
FEBRUARY 13, 2020
6pm-7:30pm @ Lakeville Public Library
4 Precinct St, Lakeville, MA
Join other self advocates in the Southeast region, express your voice, and brainstorm with others regarding issues in your local community, regionally, and statewide. Your southeast region group will be discussing voting and doing your political homework. They will be working on connecting with legislators representing communities in the southeast.
DDS Southeast recently held their Human Rights Forum, educating your human rights officers, sexuality education, and how to help self advocates have healthy relationships. Two self-advocates from the Foxboro Rainbow Support Group spoke to the audience of human rights coordinators and officers, Lisa Pedrotti and Tommy Pruvot.
Southeast Board members Alber Milne, 2nd year, AJ Caldron 3rd year, and newly reelected George Brown started a new year of Board meetings in January.
The region meeting in January guest speaker was Neil Stein, who shared his voting presentation he put together for a recent Public Speaking workshop series that he attended.
A small group of self advocates are saving their money to attend SABE National Conference October 2020 in Denver. They are getting excited to attend this conference and check out the conference at the following link:
Not involved with the southeast region yet, email or call Gail, or 339-832-2922.
February 2020
Central region started off the new year with a look at the many activities and events we did in 2019 and those we plan to do in 2020!
We attended the self-direction support group and shared what we do at MASS with parents and young adults there. Some of us watched and videotaped the historic passing of Nikki’s Law.
Some of us have been very busy with the R3 and Mass Rights for Change grants. We also trained 24 DDS Service Coordinators in what MASS and self-advocacy are all about.
We attended the Worcester area transportation meetings and the REDD Group. The new theme for transportation advocacy is “Don’t Just Sit There!” Check out on Facebook the “Waiting For The Bus” page where you will find great news and discussions about transportation.
We look forward to guest speakers at our upcoming regional meetings, including a WRTA mobility specialist, an area legislator and ally who is interested in transportation, our DDS Regional Director, and others. We are also preparing to host tables at upcoming transition fairs. We will also be planning some activities about voting to prepare for the 2020 elections. What a busy year ahead!
February 2020
FEBRUARY 20, 2020
6pm to 7:30pm @ Beaverbrook STEP
85 Main Street Watertown, MA
Join other self advocates around the city of Boston, we are looking for new people to join us to discuss the issues facing self advocates.
Metro will be talking voting and doing your political homework. Bills in the state house that pertain to issues like camera’s in common areas of group homes and what now that Nicky’s Law has passed.
Many of the Metro region self-advocates are regular attendees of MASS Legislative Education Day at the State House.
Metro Region Human Rights Forum, 2019 Advocacy Through Art was well attended with over 100 people browsing art from some of our best in the region. Thank you to TILL Wave Gallery for holding the Art showing.
Jeffrey Paquette: “My painting represents the brave person that I am to face the challenges I am presented with due to my vision impairment.”
Emily Bill: “I make art to help people to get to know me and the things I am capable of doing.”
Are you interested in being a MASS Board member, reach out to Gail, or call 339-832-2922. Let’s talk about the requirements and supports needed to be elected to the board. Metro region has one open position.
February 2020
Happy February Everyone! This month we’ve been making plans for the coming year and lining up dates to spread self-advocacy. Here’s what’s happening:
We held a holiday dance in December raising $381 to help with costs to attend the national Self Advocates Becoming Empowered Moving Mountains Conference in October. Our next event will be a Spring Fling. Stay tuned for more details.
Our regional elections for Treasurer and Secretary were held at our January meeting. Congratulations to Paula Mione on being re-elected to the role of Secretary and to Christina Kalafatis as our new Treasurer. We discussed registering to Vote and speaking up for transportation at the public meeting in Haverhill on January 23rd. We have rights and we have a responsibility to speak up. We do make a difference! Speaking of making a difference, MaryEllen Grelle represented self-advocates in the Merrimack Valley at a Legislative Forum with over 100 people in Lawrence on Transportation. MaryEllen raised the need for longer evening bus service hours and connections between areas so everyone can go to meetings, to work and see loved ones!
Merrimack Valley members attended a public meeting on The Five Year Transportation Plan on January 23rd. Thanks to new MASS Board Member, Sandy Jones, and Peer Support member, Nichelle Delgado, for raising the issues of extended service hours for busses and EZ Trans, and needing more flexible services. Their ideas will be part of the official five-year plan for the Merrimack Valley!
We will be presenting on Speaking Up with youth at Northern Essex Community College on January 30th. We will do this presentation again on February 26th at Opportunity Works.
We will give our Voting Rights Training at Communitas in Beverly on February 13th and Northeast Arc on September 24th.
Therese L is going to present to the Threshold Program at Lesley University on February 20th about the importance of self-advocacy.
NE Arc will have Donna Jay present about the marriage penalty to their self-advocacy group at their February Meeting.
January 2020
Thanks to everyone who came out to our SnowBall event on December 18th. It was great to celebrate with everyone and raise some funds to help members attend the upcoming Self Advocates Becoming Empowered Moving Mountains Conference! Stay tuned for more ways you can support leaders to attend this amazing conference. Thanks also to everyone who donated warm gloves and hats for the Merrimack Valley Hope Mission. We wish to salute the following businesses and individuals for donating food or gifts to our event: Edible Arrangements in Haverhill; Cedars Foods; Panera Bread Company; Emily’s Bakery; Gametime; DeLeo’s Brick Oven Pizza; The Wicked Big Café; The Tap Restaurant; Paula Mione; and Wanda Burns.
Our next meeting is our Annual Meeting at 261 N. Main Street, Middleton at 6PM on January 15th. We are holding elections for Treasurer and Secretary of our Region. These positions are two-year commitments and they require you to attend the monthly regional meeting and one officers’ meeting a month. For more information, please contact Bridget at 781-789-4274. Happy 2020 to everyone!
January 2020
The Central self-advocates had a fun and snowy December!
We celebrated the season at our regional meeting and get together in Worcester. We have some big plans for the new year but we took time out to watch a slide show of our year together, swap some cookies, play music, and enjoy being together!
The HMEA program that the self-advocates in Hopedale attended has moved to Franklin!
We continue to attend REDD and transportation group meetings in the region even as we dodged a LOT of snow in December! Deb Pierce is our transportation “rep”.
Jillian continues to surprise us …she recently made a video! And one of the members of the group talked about possibly moving someday! Justin generously continued his giving to help needy children at Christmas. His story was told in the Worcester Telegram newspaper!
The group is still talking about the MASS Conference, giving feedback and overall sharing what a good time they had!
Some of us are planning to attend the ADDP luncheon at the State House in January. We also talked about inviting a legislator to one of our regional meetings.
We were glad the weather cooperated with our December plans, and we are looking forward to the our next meeting in 2020. Happy New Year everyone!