Are you feeling overwhelmed and need to center yourself and re-group? Try this to feel back in balance…

Sit in a chair and breathe. Notice the air moving in and out of your nose and mouth as you breath….does it make a sound? Can you feel the air? Is it warm? Is it cool? What do you notice about it?

Look around the room you are in….what do you see? Is there a chair in the room? What color is it? Does it look soft or hard? What else do you notice in the room you are in? Keep breathing, in and out, as you notice the floor under you. What colors do you see? Are there any sounds in the room? Are there any smells in the room? What color are the walls? Is there anything hanging on them? How big is the poster or the picture on the wall that you see? Is there a light switch on the wall? Does it flip up and down, or side to side?

Notice the chair you are sitting in… it firm under you? Is it soft? Does it support your back? Is it cold or warm? What color is it? Can you feel yourself sitting in the chair, is anything touching your arms as you sit in your chair?

Now after you have breathed a bit, and noticed the space around you and you in it, how do you feel? Are you a bit more centered? Can you focus a bit more easily now on what you wanted to?

If not, try one of the breathing exercises also listed in our support section.

A woman relaxing in her wheelchair.

This project is supported by Grant No. 2017-FW-AX-K004 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women.

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